June 1979 |
Article in monthly magazine "FOCUS" |
January 2002 |
Interview and publication in magazin “De ROSKAM” Twente |
2003 |
Publishing photo in catalog Fotofestifal Naarden,
theme "boundless" |
October 2007 |
Interview and publication in magazin “De ROSKAM” Twente |
September 2007 |
Presentation 30 years jubilee book FG Schelfhorst |
August 2008 |
Presentation 20 years jubilee book Fotogalerie Objektief
- Enschede Nl |
August 2008 |
Interview and publication in monthly magazine “De
Fotograaf” |
October 2009 |
Presentation Book “Ateliers in Almelo” |
November 2009 |
Interview and publication in “De Twentse Courant
Tubantia” |
December 2011 |
Article in monthly magazine "FOTOGRAFIE" |
2013 |
Publishing photo
in book "painter Hans Steffelaar" |
2014 |
Publishing photo
in book "Fotografie en Poëzie in Objektief" |
Mei 2014 |
Article in Bondsblad BNAFV "InBeeld" |
Mei 2015 |
Publishing photo`s in
Bondsblad BNAFV "InBeeld" |
2016 |
Publishing photo`s
in book "12½
jaar Landelijke groep FIAP" |
2016 |
Publishing photo in
"Fotobond Jaarboek 2016" |
2017 |
Publishing photo
in book "Personal Structures" (Open Borders) Venice 2017 |
Mei 2017 |
Publishing photo in Bondsblad BNAFV "InBeeld" |
2018 |
Publishing photo in
"Fotobond Jaarboek 2018" |
2020 |
Publishing photo
in book "painter Piet van de Hoef" |
2020 |
Publishing photo in
"Fotobond Jaarboek 2020" |
2020 |
Publishing photo in
"Quintessence 2000-2020 Trierenberg Super Circuit" |
2021 |
Publishing photo in Bondsblad BNAFV "InBeeld" |
2022 |
Publishing photo in "Winners Collection 2022 Trierenberg
Super Crcuit" |
2023 |
Publishing photo in digi book "World Photography Day
2023" (Blog Peter van Tuijl) |
2023 |
Publishing photo`s in
Bondsblad BNAFV "InBeeld" |
October 1980 |
Group exhibition Centrum “De Schelfhorst”Almelo |
November 1982 |
Group exhibition Cultureel Centrum “De Hagen”Almelo |
March 1985 |
Group exhibition FOTON - Vrijthof THT Twente |
Januari 1986 |
Group exhibition City Town Hall Almelo |
October 1986 |
Group exhibition Cultureel Centrum “De Hagen”Almelo |
October 1987 |
Group exhibition Cultureel Centrum “De Hagen”Almelo |
Jan.-Feb. 1990 |
Group exhibition City Town Hall Holten |
March 1990 |
Group exhibition City Town Hall Borne |
June/july 1990 |
Group exhibition Meulenbelt Almelo |
August 1991 |
exhibition St-Elisabeth Delden |
November 1991 |
Group exhibition Library Rijssen |
Februari 1992 |
Group exhibition Hof88 Almelo |
Oct.-Nov. 1992 |
Group exhibition Libery Zuidwolde |
January 1993 |
Solo exhibition Hooge Lucht Oldenzaal |
June/july 1993 |
Group exhibition Bergkerk Deventer |
Januari 1994 |
Group exhibition Theatre Hotel Almelo |
April 1997 |
Group exhibition Theatre Hotel Almelo |
December 2000 |
Group exhibition City theatre “De Bond” Oldenzaal |
December 2001 |
Group exhibition City theatre “De Bond” Oldenzaal |
Januari 2002 |
Group exhibition Hof88 Almelo |
Jul.-Sept. 2002 |
Group exhibition Meulenbelt Almelo |
December 2002 |
Group exhibition City theatre “De Bond” Oldenzaal |
Januari 2003 |
Group exhibition Fotogalerie Objektief Enschede |
May/june 2003 |
Group exhibition Dutch Photo Biennial Naarden |
August 2003 |
Group exhibition Library Almelo |
September 2003 |
Group exhibition “De Eeshof” Tubbergen |
November 2003 |
Group exhibition Fotogalerie Objektief Enschede
(jubilee gallery) |
August 2004 |
Group exhibition Meulenbelt Almelo |
Februari 2004 |
Group exhibition Fotogalerie Objektief Enschede |
December 2004 |
Group exhibition City theatre “De Bond” Oldenzaal |
August 2005 |
Guest of the month August, website Huib Limberg |
November 2005 |
Guest of the month November, website Piksin Thé
December 2005 |
Group exhibition City theatre “De Bond” Oldenzaal |
Januari 2006 |
Group exhibition Fotogalerie Objektief Enschede |
2005/2006 |
Group exhibition Foto Nationaal, several places in the
Netherlands |
October 2005 |
Breda |
Noveber 2005 |
Alphen a/d Rijn |
Dec.2005/Jan.2006 |
Goes |
Februari 2006 |
Zierikzee |
Maart 2006 |
Epe |
April/Mei 2006 |
Winschoten |
Mei/Juni 2006 |
Nijmegen |
Juni/Juli 2006 |
Limburg |
Januari 2006 |
Group exhibition Fotogalerie Objektief Enschede |
2006 |
28th FIAP Black & White Biennial China |
2007 |
24th FIAP Color Biennial Ierland |
2006 |
Group exhibition Benelux Salon Hamme Belgium (Gold
Medal) |
December 2006 |
Group exhibition City theatre “De Bond” Oldenzaal |
2006/2007 |
Group exhibition Foto Nationaal, several places in the
Netherlands |
October 2006 |
Doetinchem |
November 2006 |
Goes |
December 2006 |
Zierikzee |
Januari 2007 |
Breda |
Maart 2007 |
Epe |
April/Mei 2007 |
Winschoten |
Mei/Juni 2007 |
Leeuwarden |
2007 |
Guest of the month July, website Piksin Thé |
Sept.-Oct. 2007 |
Group exhibition Hof88 Almelo |
2007 |
2th FIAP World Cup for clubs |
December 2007 |
Group exhibition City theatre “De Bond” Oldenzaal |
March 2008 |
Guest of the month March, website Wim Jenniskens |
2008 |
29e FIAP Monochrome Print Biennial Slovenia |
September 2008 |
Group exhibition ZAPF Galerie Szcecin Poland |
2008 |
25th FIAP Projected Images Biennial Indonesië |
2008 |
3th FIAP World Cup for clubs |
December 2008 |
Group exhibition City theatre “De Bond” Oldenzaal |
Februari 2009 |
Group exhibition Fotogalerie Objektief Enschede |
2009 |
23th FIAP Color Print Biennial Ierland |
September 2009 |
Group exhibition Fotogalerie Objektief Enschede (jubilee
gallery) |
December 2009 |
Solo exhibition gallery P.A.K. Almelo |
2009/2010 |
25th FIAP
Pojected Images Biennial Indonesia |
2009/2010 |
Group exhibition Foto Nationaal, several places in the
Netherlands |
October 2009 |
Doetinchem |
Nov./De. 2009 |
Goes |
Januari 2010 |
Veendam |
Februari 2010 |
Breda |
Maart 2010 |
Epe |
April/Mei 2010 |
Leeuwarden |
Juni 2010 |
(L) |
Januari 2010 |
Group exhibition City theatre “De Bond” Oldenzaal |
Februari 2010 |
Group exhibition Fotogalerie Objektief Enschede |
Juni.-Juli.2010 |
Group exhibition Library Almelo |
2010 |
30th FIAP Black & White Biennial Vietnam |
November 2010 |
Solo exhibition Artdesch Almelo |
Januari 2011 |
Group exhibition City theatre “De Bond” Oldenzaal |
November 2011 |
Solo exhibition CODA Apeldoorn |
2011/2012 |
Group exhibition Foto Nationaal, several places in the
Netherlands |
November 2011 |
Rotterdam |
Januari1 2012 |
Almere |
Februari 2012 |
(O) |
Maart 2012 |
Epe |
April/Mei |
Veendam |
Juni 2012 |
Beek (L) |
Juli/Augustus |
Veldhoven |
Februari 2012 |
Group exhibition Fotogalerie Objektief Enschede |
April 2012 |
Group exhibition Hof88 Almelo |
November 2012 |
Group exhibition Library Haaksbergen |
2013 |
27th FIAP
Projected Images Biennial Luxemburg |
Februari 2013 |
Group exhibition Fotogalerie Objektief Enschede |
Mei-Juni 2013 |
Group exhibition Dutch Photo Biennial Naarden |
Juni-Juli 2013 |
Group exhibition Instituut Nijenkamp Almelo |
September 2013 |
Groep exhibition Indië complex Almelo |
November 2014 |
Group exhibition Library Haaksbergen |
September 2014 |
Groep exhibition Indië complex Almelo |
November 2014 |
Group exhibition Library Haaksbergen |
March 2015 |
Guest of the month March, website Jean Schoubs |
2015 |
26th FIAP
Color Print Biennial United Kingdom |
2015 |
28th FIAP
Projected Images Biennial Indonesia |
Juni 2015 |
Duo exhibition during "Kunst in
het Volkspark", Enschede |
April - Juni 2016 |
Group exhibition "HuisKinesis", Huis
voor de fotografie, Delft |
April 2017 |
Guest of the month april, website Chris Treffers
Mei - Juni 2017 |
Group exhibition "Huis van
Katoen", Almelo |
November 2017 |
Group exhibition "Kunstzaal Achterom" Haaksbergen |
April 2018 |
Group exhibition following the yearbook 2018 Fotobbond,
"Gallery Sille", Oudewater |
Mei-Juni-Juli 2018 |
Group exhibition ZGT, Almelo |
Mei 2018 |
Participation in Fotofestival aan
de Maas, Rotterdam |
Juli-August 2018 |
Group exhibition "Ho Chi Minh Exhibition", Hanoi Vietnam |
Nov-Dec. 2018 |
Group exhibition "Kunstzaal
Achterom", Haaksbergen |
Jan-Febr. 2019 |
Group exhibition ZGT, Almelo |
Okt-Dec. 2020 |
Group exhibition SW Vastgoedverbetering, Almelo |
Mei - Juni 2021 |
Group exhibition "Huis van
Katoen", Almelo |
Nov-dec. 2022 |
Exhibition together with sculptor
Frieda Waanders, gallery Herengracht Almelo |
Juli-Sept. 2023 |
Group exhibition Meulenbelt Almelo |
Juni-Nov. 2023 |
Solo exhibition "Open Air Gallery
"Zuiderhagen Enschede |
2024 |
Group exhibition "Natuurhus", Almelo |
Juni-Sept. 2024 |
Group exhibition "TMZ" Almelo |
2006 - present |
Exhibitions in international
salons, more
than 80 countries (See FIAP and PSA accept.) |